仙穹In 2017, it was revealed that the Department of Defense recently spent millions investigating reports of UFOs. This is the latest disclosure about a series of secret government UFO projects.
仙穹In 2017, it was revealed that the Department of Defense recently spent millions investigating reports of UFOs. This is the latest disclosure about a series of secret government UFO projects.
回复 :可曾記得十五歲的年輕滋味嗎?在這部輕鬆迷人的喜劇片中,請隨著三名俄亥俄州的青少年一同再次體驗由青澀朦懂跌跌撞撞邁向成熟穩重的酸甜苦辣。聰慧可人的娜塔莉(珍妮佛康納利飾,《身為人母》、《血鑽石》)為了「精神契合的伴侶」而放棄自己的童真,見一個愛一個的小花痴寶莉(瑪蒂寇曼飾,《求婚腦震盪》、《我的手槍會轉彎》))幻想著自己成為美國總統,而個性叛逆的傑夫(拜隆覃姆斯飾)則因與繼父不合,忙著離家出走。他們正如你我一般,在成長中經歷了各種喜悅與痛苦,從而認識了生命、學習到愛的意義。
回复 :影片根据纽约历史上最声名狼藉的谋杀悬案改编。1973年纽约地产富豪的儿子Robert Durst(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)娶了美丽的穷学生Kathleen McCormack(克斯汀·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 饰)。两人婚后离开 城市,到乡村享受了一段恬静的时光,当返程时卡蒂回到了学校继续学业。一切看似幸福,可1982年Kathleen突然失踪寻访不得。2000年Durst的好友Susan Berman被发现死在家中,20年前的失踪案被重新唤起,Durst因这两个案件受到询问,但都因为证据不足而未受起诉。2001年Durst的邻居Morris Black被杀,尸体被分解,他再一次受到怀疑被起诉,可经著名律师辩护后被无罪释放。直到2004年再次接受审判Durst最终被判5年监禁,媒体将"百万富翁凶手"的名号赠予他。
回复 :Karl Hochman, a technician in a computer shop, is also "The Address-Book Killer", who obtains the names of his victims from stolen address-books. Terry Munroe and her son Josh come into the store to price software, and a salesman uses Terry's address-book to demonstrate a hand-held scanner. Karl obtains the file, and while driving to Terry's house that night in a heavy electrical storm, his car runs off the road and lands upside down in a cemetery. While Karl is undergoing a CAT scan at the hospital, a surge of lightning courses through the building, and Karl's mind is transformed into electrical energy. Karl uses the electrical grid and computer networks to continue his killing-spree.