回复 :After observing a hauntingly familiar abnormal CAT scan of a 13 year old girl, radiologist Nina Evanko battles to find the source of the young girl's sleeping disorder. What she discovers is darker and stranger than she could have imagined.
回复 :A journalist goes in search of the truth after a series of brutal deaths and disappearances lead back to an urban legend about a serial killing clown that has stalked the woods of Century Park for over a hundred years.
回复 :殷商末年,东海大将夜叉密谋篡权,企图暗害龙王之女以达成他统治东海的目的。不料其阴谋被陈塘关总兵李靖之子哪吒无意撞到。为了掩人耳目,夜叉将暗害龙女的罪名嫁祸给哪吒,将其变为龙族的公敌。而在另外一方,哪吒受怪仙太乙真人之命前往金光洞修道,途中遇到了遭遇夜叉暗害而失去记忆的龙女,以及精通变化和遁地之术的土行孙,三人都被太乙真人收为门徒。就在哪吒一行人潜习法术之时,夜叉却率龙宫重兵来到了陈塘关,大战一触即发。