青春期猪A stranger who turns up at a resort hotel in midwinter, behaves rudely towards other guests and disappears the next day. Found half-frozen in the snow he is taken to hospital where his story is gradually revealed.
青春期猪A stranger who turns up at a resort hotel in midwinter, behaves rudely towards other guests and disappears the next day. Found half-frozen in the snow he is taken to hospital where his story is gradually revealed.
回复 :1944年,美国援华抗日空军飞虎队来华参战,日军因此遭受重创。为此,华南日军发动了旨在打通大陆交通线的豫湘桂战役,企图之一就是要摧毁中国西南空军基地。驻华南日军第二十三军秘密组建一支特攻队,计划对桂林秧唐机场实施毁灭性攻击。特攻队实施攻击的当天晚上,遭遇机场国民党守备部队的伏击,特攻队几近覆没。 如此绝密的行动竟然让机场国民党守备部队事先获悉,侥幸撤回来的日军特攻队指挥官熊本意识到重金雇佣的六个中国人中,有一个是国民党间谍;熊本在幸存的三个中国人中试图找出谁是间谍时,秧唐机场美军指挥官麦克上校也怀疑内部出了问题,要不然怎么会有人在伏击开始之前暴露目标。 在熊本藏身西村等待司令部联络官的行动指示时,死亡的恐惧笼罩着幸存的三个中国人,狐疑和猜测也在三个中国人中弥漫开来。机场国民党守备部队走马观花式地搜查结束后,熊本从外面抓回来一个国民党军官。代号为“芒果...
回复 :当年老的丈夫去世后,年轻的母亲孝贞与比自己小一岁的继女珠儿生活在一起,她们决定雇一位男保姆, 于是二人各找了一个,但母女俩却在为该雇哪一个而争论不休。 最终,她们决定两个都雇,于是,没羞没臊的生活自此开始...
回复 :CYST is an old school monster movie in which an enthusiastic plastic surgeon will stop at nothing to patent his latest cyst-removal machine. What started out as Patricia (Eva Habermann) the nurse’s last day turns into a battle for survival when the doctor’s machine inadvertently turns a patient’s tumour into a cyst-monster that terrorizes the office.