回复 :Simon Sebag Montefiore charts the rise of Istanbul from pagan trading post to capital of three empires and two religions, becoming not only holy but the most coveted city in the world.
回复 :Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be. He's a fickle and transitory character who was appropriated by the Normans to justify their conquest, he was cuckolded when French writers began adapting the story and it took Thomas Malory's masterpiece of English literature, Le Mort d'Arthur, to restore dignity and reclaim him as the national hero we know today.
回复 :史雷(木村良平 配音)虽然身为人类,却在天族的养育下长大。人类无法感知到天族的存在,可史雷却因为其拥有的强大灵力而让这两个格格不入的种族产生了交集。为了解开遗迹崩塌的谜团,为了推进历史的前进,史雷踏上了旅途,并且在误打误撞之中拔起了石缝中的圣剑,成为了净化凭魔的导师。成熟冷静的米库里欧(逢坂良太 配音)、善良正义的少女艾利夏(茅野爱衣 配音)、开朗热情的罗洁(小松未可子 配音)、外表成熟个性却略显天真的莱拉(下屋则子 配音)、独来独往对人类缺乏信任的埃德娜(福圆美里 配音),一路上,史雷结识了一位又一位个性迥异的同伴,会有怎样的答案在终点等待着他们呢?