实验性纪录剧情长片《我心我行》,筱原编导/摄影 姚宏易、筱原监制 侯孝贤、主演 许芳宜、特别演出 谢盈萱、陈竹昇、孙翠凤。舞蹈家许芳宜的半自传的实验性纪录剧情长片,之前在《俗女养成记2》有合作的陈竹昇、谢盈萱饰演许爸许妈。金马59入围最佳摄影、最佳动作设计、最佳原创电影音乐三项。11月11日院线上映。
实验性纪录剧情长片《我心我行》,筱原编导/摄影 姚宏易、筱原监制 侯孝贤、主演 许芳宜、特别演出 谢盈萱、陈竹昇、孙翠凤。舞蹈家许芳宜的半自传的实验性纪录剧情长片,之前在《俗女养成记2》有合作的陈竹昇、谢盈萱饰演许爸许妈。金马59入围最佳摄影、最佳动作设计、最佳原创电影音乐三项。11月11日院线上映。
回复 :A film crew producing a rock music video decides to shoot at an abandoned factory above the snow line. When an avalanche strands them, a murderous family living in the factory attacks and kills many of them
回复 :根据日本作家伊坂幸太郎的同名原著改编,讲述平凡的快递司机金建宇陷入权利斗争,莫名背上暗杀新总统候选人罪名后一路逃亡的故事
回复 :Danny Bishop is a gambling prodigy. After exiling himself to prison, he returns to his brothers home only to find himself back in the game because of a large debt for his protection in prison. He cons a group of high stakes gamblers, including his vicious rival, Alex, to a tournament. The story is a delicate balance between the tension of the game and the strained relationship with his brother.