回复 :恩熙(金荷娜 Ha-Neul Kim 饰)是个在工作上得心应手却不擅长人际交往的海归女强人,在经历了被未婚夫抛弃的打击之后,接踵而至的职场受挫又让她被调去女性时尚杂志做编辑工作。听到同事们对她背后的议论,恩熙一个人默默苦恼,心情烦闷至极准备养一只宠物狗。机缘巧合让他与体贴可爱的仁浩(张根锡 Keun-Suk Jang 饰)相遇。仁浩是一个外形完美,年轻帅气的古典芭蕾的天才,无家可归的他因为朋友恩秀的原因住进了恩熙的家中,意外的扮演起了宠物情人的角色。两人就此过起了了主人和宠物的浪漫幸福生活。同居生活让二人的感情产生了微妙的变化,直到恩熙大学时期暗恋的学长车前辈出现,并明显的表露着对恩熙的爱恋,宠物和学长到底谁能住进恩熙的心中的家…该片改编自日本漫画家小川弥生的超人气漫画《宠物爱人》。
回复 :座落於貧民區之中,有一棟特別突兀的豪宅,有著高聳的柵欄擋住了外面的視野。一群在貧民區中長大的年輕人,對於柵欄後的世界感到非常的好奇,當他們得知豪宅的主人不在時,他們決定潛入那個新奇的世界,就算是一天也好,他們想忘掉生活的艱難,體驗一下有錢人生活的滋味。但在體驗高空後,他們還回得去陸地嗎?一場夢會幻化成一場惡夢嗎?
回复 :The setting is Vienna in 1914 before the outbreak of war. The aristocratic and somewhat jaded Prince Nicki, pursued by all the ladies, begins a flirtation with Mitzi, a crippled harpist who works in a suburban wine-garden, and who is in turn idolized by Schani, an uncouth and violently jealous butcher. Their first encounter significantly takes place in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral on Corpus Christi day, with Nicki among the emperor's cavalry regiment. Later, in the refracted light of falling apple blossoms in the wine-garden--scenes of a distilled, ethereal beauty--Nicki gradually wins her faith and love. Meanwhile, amidst the sumptuous and corrupt milieu of the family palace, Nicki is drawn into complicity against his will, as his unscrupulous mother informs him he must marry Cecelia, the daughter of a wealthy commoner, in order to revive the family fortune. Mitzi has a vision of The Iron Man (a symbol of the declining power and position of the Hapsburg dynasty) and falls before the crucifix in fear; but her love remains steadfast, and she protests her faith though abused by her mother and Schani. Infuriated by her rejection, Schani threatens to kill Nicki on his wedding day unless Mitzi agrees to marry him. Following the processional splendor of the cathedral wedding, Schani appears to carry out his threat, but Mitzi arrives in time to stop him; and through the downpouring rain Nicki sadly gazes on his true love in the crowd as he drives away with his bride.