回复 :由于女演员在片场发生了危机性命的意外,亦由于一直教导的学生投靠了他人的麾下,导演金基德长久以来对于电影的执念发生了动摇,年逾五十的他发现原本高产的自己竟然再也没有了拍电影的热情与冲动。于是,失意的导演选择过起了离群索居的生活,在物质条件极为简陋的高山之上开始了自我质疑和质问的心灵旅程,他用摄像机拍下了这一段困顿生活中的自问自答,经过剪辑,于是有了这部电影。拍电影究竟是为了什么?将那些饱受争议的画面和意向放置在电影里又有着怎样的意义?即使是金基德,也给不出标准的答案。唯一能够确定的,是他已将电影融入了生命,情到深处人孤独,在《阿里郎》的歌声里,除了电影本身之外,一切都显得不再那么重要……
回复 :李倩蓓(王祖贤 饰)是新当选的香港小姐,天真善良的她拥有天使般的美貌,星途一片无量。一次偶然之中,李倩蓓结识了名为梁子威(邓光荣 饰)的男子,郎才女貌的两人之间很快就产生了真挚的感情。然而,梁子威系有妇之夫,他的妻子(甄妮 饰)一直在利用娘家的权势操纵控制着丈夫。得知这一切的李倩蓓决定离开梁子威,成全他的婚姻。一场意外中,李倩蓓被卷入了一场凶杀案之中,站在了法庭之上,为了证明李倩蓓的清白,梁子威不惜曝光了两人之间的隐情,也要救爱人于水火之中。见证了两人之间轰轰烈烈的感情,梁子威的妻子决定同丈夫离婚,并带走了所有的财产。
回复 :Mysteries of China captures one of the great archaeological events of the modern age, telling the story of Ancient China, the First Emperor, and the literal foundation of the China we know today. Through the lens of this groundbreaking discovery, viewers explore an ancient time when a fierce warrior brought together a warring nation and how an accidental discovery changed everything we know about China's past.The discovery of the Terracotta Warriors and the Tomb of the First Emperor offers a unique time capsule into the past, revealing many things about this great country, which tells a larger story about the growth of China into a true superpower. From modern China to ancient China and back again, Mysteries of China is a visual adventure, using beautiful aerial photography and cutting-edge time lapse techniques to reveal great majesty, tragedy, splendor, and growth in a nation that continues to excel quickly into the future.