下载An aging gambler on a losing streak attempts to rob a casino in Monte Carlo. But someone's already tipped off the cops before he even makes a move.
下载An aging gambler on a losing streak attempts to rob a casino in Monte Carlo. But someone's already tipped off the cops before he even makes a move.
回复 :偷车大盗爱丽丝出狱后,按母亲留下的录音带去寻找两个可能是她父亲的人。爱丽丝无意中偷走了黑帮装黑钱的车,被黑帮追杀。两个父亲带着女儿爱丽丝为摆脱追杀进行了一场场的激战,最终战胜了黑帮,并赢得了彼此之间真爱。
回复 :有腳疾的阿忠(喜翔飾)執意開車去屏東,彥博(鄭有傑飾)無奈之下只好載阿忠前往,父子倆一路沉默不語,關係疏離而遙遠。途中車子突然故障,兩人因此再次回到媽媽的故鄉—苑裡小鎮。媽媽過世後父子倆鮮少回來,對小鎮的變化和很久不見的親戚,兩人都非常陌生。眾人言談間,當年的事又再次被提起……。
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