回复 :Set during Christmas 1988, Lol is haunted by the devastating events that took place two and a half years before. She and Woody both find themselves struggling to cope with their lives without each other after he leaves the gang. Lol is carrying the burden of her guilt, whilst Woody is trying to build a domestic life with a new girlfriend and a potential promotion at work. Shaun has started drama college and, although still in a relationship with Smell, he has grown close to a girl performing in his Christmas play.
回复 :这是一个性感扭曲的盗窃秀,展示了一些人为了爱情、正义和世界上最有价值的商品:真相会走多远。
回复 :上一季中Charlie和Maya去拉斯韦加斯结婚,就在前一刻为了让不让Alan和Jake留在房子里住,两人吵翻了。正当Charlie 为了留住弟弟alan失去了Maya心痛不已时。作为男女傧相的alan和他22岁的小女友出现了。他们打算结婚并决定要搬出去住...Charlie是一个潇洒自由的单身汉,但正面临离婚危机的兄弟Alan带着儿子Jake的突然来访完全打乱了Charlie悠然自得的生活,三个男人一台戏,这下可有得乐了。