第一集 玻利维亚第二集 哥伦比亚第三集 菲律宾本季继续聚焦每天走在惊心动魄,美国生死难料的上学路上的孩子们,美国聚焦他们为了实现梦想而每天踏上世界最危险的上学路。
第一集 玻利维亚第二集 哥伦比亚第三集 菲律宾本季继续聚焦每天走在惊心动魄,美国生死难料的上学路上的孩子们,美国聚焦他们为了实现梦想而每天踏上世界最危险的上学路。
回复 :杰米和露希等六名学生受一个小岛上的葡萄庄园主人洪博士的邀请前来实习探察。虽然岛上的风光秀丽,但似乎总有一种不详的预感袭击他们的心头。虽然博士对他们尤其是女生非常体贴,可杰米依然察觉到了博士的可疑之处。偶然之下,杰米终于知道了博士的阴谋:博士在借着养殖葡萄园的名义来进行某种巫术的研究!发现事情败露的博士不甘死心,企图用巫术杀死杰米,但杰米还是幸运的逃过了一劫。可接下来,他们发现了又一个惊天秘密:博士在那所谓的葡萄园里竟埋藏着活死人!由于博士过度运用巫术而使活死人们挣脱坟墓的束缚,纷纷爬上地面饥饿般的向人群扑去!瞬间小岛就被这些恐怖的丧尸所占据,巫术的副作用也使博士的身体起了一系列的变化。原来博士在巫术的力量下已经活了500年,而法术的维持必须由女孩的新鲜血液来维持。腐臭、哀号和恐惧成了这座岛上的交响乐,他们意识到,要想在这里生存下去,就要借助巫术的力量将丧尸群再次打入死亡地狱……
回复 :Adolescence can be tough, especially for young queer people who haven’t quite figured it out. We Will Never Belong charts one teenager’s quest for the truth with style and grace. Emi has recently discovered that her mother is in love with another woman, and Emi’s not handling it well. She retreats to the community, where she was born, to stay with her father and his new family and to spend time with her maternal grandmother. Things are much less confusing at her father’s, at least until her extremely intriguing stepsister shows up. Emi soon begins to understand why her mother living her life authentically was so difficult to face. With nuanced performances and gorgeous cinematography, We Will Never Belong deals with complicated family and identity issues, and does so with incredible thoughtfulness and care.
回复 :Angela deMarco is unhappily married to high Mafia member Frank deMarco. When Frank is killed, Angela takes the opportunity to break free of the Mafia world entirely and start a new life. But Frank's boss, Tony Russo, begins to court the unresponsive Angela. The FBI begins surveillance on her, thinking her to be his new mistress. FBI agent Mike Downey goes undercover as Angela's neighbor, but soon finds himself attracted to Angela himself.