回复 :一位印度移民母亲与挪威的寄养制度和当地法律机制作斗争,以赢回她孩子的监护权。
回复 :弟弟杜家豪(韩栋 饰)在上水镇被水猴子残杀,民国女法医清伶(王真儿 饰)为了探寻真相只得前往上水镇一探究竟。远僻冷清隐露诡异的村庄,关于水猴子复仇的“诅咒”接二连三印验。勇敢果决的清伶扛枪勇闯水怪禁地——黑木林,而这一切因果是非似乎早已命中注定……
回复 :While out riding in the country, wealthy New Yorker Alec Walker meets young widow Julie Eden, and a relationship quickly develops. However, Alec has not told her that he is already locked into a loveless marriage to the avaricious Maida, who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife. A completely coincidental car crash alerts the two women to each other's existence, a situation to which they react very differently.