回复 :时值抗日战争时期,铁路工人李玉和(浩亮 饰)肩负着接应地下党交通员的重任。女儿铁梅(刘长瑜 配音)年纪虽小,却耳濡目染,与这个没有血缘关系的爹爹和奶奶(高玉倩 饰)具有同样的爱国情怀和革命热忱。是夜,携带重要密码的交通员被迫跳车,遭日寇枪伤。李玉和将其背回家中,却未能挽救他的性命。另一方面,日本宪兵队队长鸠山(袁世海 饰)奉命展开全城大搜捕,势要找到那份至关重要的密电码。关键时刻,革命队伍出现叛徒,鸠山将目标锁定在李玉和身上,为了找到密电码,残酷的敌人无所不用其极。而李氏一家三代也迎来了最为严峻的革命考验……该剧根据电影《自有后来人》改编,为文革期间八个样板戏之一。
回复 :Timed with the 2020 women's suffrage centennial, American Masters - Unladylike2020: The Changemakers takes a look at women whose courage and tenacity 100 years ago shaped the political life and future of this nation. Their accomplishments were instrumental in accomplishing voting rights for women -- but also in improving the quality of life for all citizens. This hour-long PBS American Masters animated documentary film will present profiles of five little-known women trailblazers who were active in government, civil rights, and citizenship rights, behaving in ways that placed them outside the mainstream of expected behaviors for 'ladies' at the turn of the 20th century. They include: Martha Hughes Cannon, the country's first female state senator; Jovita Idar, a journalist, and president of one of the first Mexican American women's civil rights organizations; Jeannette Rankin, the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress; Mary Church Terrell, a leader in the anti-lynching movement and a founder of the NAACP; and Zitkála-Sá, aka Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, who lobbied for U.S. citizenship, voting rights and sovereignty for American Indians a century ago.
回复 :在远离喧嚣城市的海港小镇波乐里,生活着几名无忧无虑当然也倍感无聊的男人:石井(赤井英和 饰)、津田(竹中直人 饰)、富田(冢本晋也 饰)、中江(温水洋一 饰)、森下(津田宽治 饰)以及松本(浅野忠信 饰)。他们是当地消防队的队员,无奈此地已18年之久未发生火灾,所以石井等人除了每天的例行练习外百无聊赖,竟隐隐期盼火灾的发生。这一天,美丽女子日比野桃子(铃木京香 饰)的到来打破小镇的宁静,更让一众苦命单身汉兴奋不已。在这些人中间,属石井表现最为积极,羞涩腼腆的他用各种各样笨拙的方法引起他的注意,而消防队的好朋友们虽然对桃子也有好感,但还是千方百计成全着石井的爱恋……成年人充满青涩的恋之歌,在这座海港小镇悠然飘扬……