回复 :
回复 :天赋异禀的结巴少年秦风(刘昊然 饰)警校落榜,被姥姥遣送泰国找远房表舅——号称“唐人街第一神探”,实则猥琐的大叔唐仁(王宝强 饰)散心。不想一夜花天酒地后,唐仁沦为离奇凶案嫌疑人,不得不和秦风亡命天涯……穷追不舍的警探黄兰登(陈赫 饰)、无敌幸运的警察坤泰(肖央 饰)、穷凶极恶的匪帮三人组、高深莫测的唐人街教父、美艳风骚的老板娘阿香(佟丽娅 饰)等悉数登场!七天!唐仁、秦风必须取长补短、同仇敌忾!他们能否躲避警察追捕、匪帮追杀、黑帮围剿,在短短七天内,完成找到失落的黄金并查明真凶,为自己洗清罪名这些逆天的任务?
回复 :“An ordinary story, told in such an imaginary way. The Angel and The Devil, competing about Nikola, a twenty-and-something womanizing student of the world literature, a city's wise-guy whose cozy way of life is being roughly interrupted by impregnating Marina, a clumsy high school graduate at a party, who wants to keep the baby, while Nikola believes it's not necessary. Generations in Serbia knows to tell this film by heart, and I highly recommend it to anyone abroad because it's a great way of meeting and understanding Yugoslav pop culture.It also has an outstanding soundtrack.It's Srdjan Dragojevic's film-school graduation piece which shot him into instant fame."