回复 :In a future world in Seattle the High Schools are one step above the prisons. In a new program to insure that students will come to class and remain alert to their subjects...
回复 :(Dis)Honesty - The Truth About Lies' is a documentary feature film that explores how and why people lie. The film is anchored in behavioral experiments that measure our propensity to lie - sometimes even unknowingly. On a more personal level, from little white lies to devastating deceits, people share on camera the true stories of lies they've told. Experts examine the reasons behind our behavior and the implications of our dishonesty. Behavioral scientist Dan Ariely brings these elements together and guides us in discovering the complicated truths about lies.
回复 :平克正在逃亡。夜里,空旷的街道上弥漫着末日的气息,整个城市似乎都在燃烧。麻醉剂在静脉和空气中打旋。他已经从某个“教士”领导的教派控制中解脱出来,决心掌握自己的命运,现在藏身于一家非法T恤工厂。平克寻找着末路之光,但鬼魂始终在他的周围游荡。这部实验性作品以哥伦比亚麦德林为背景,描绘了一个逃离危险邪教的年轻人的故事。