大脚Follows Roscoe, a seedy motel maintenance man, after discovering some powerful hallucinogenic worms he meets Benny, They fall in love making worms together before embarking on an odyssey of sex and violence.
大脚Follows Roscoe, a seedy motel maintenance man, after discovering some powerful hallucinogenic worms he meets Benny, They fall in love making worms together before embarking on an odyssey of sex and violence.
回复 :For Goran and his team of amateur shooters, the plan was almost perfect: to enter a hypermarket at night to rob a jeweler. But these "broken arms" had not anticipated the arrival of a vigil like no other: Walter, a former African warlord who will send them to hell ...
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回复 :这部姬情恐怖喜剧是一个关于依赖共生关系的寓言:玛雅曾经是一个演员,现在靠在当地购物中心和图书馆重演她以前的一个角色为生。一天,她与来自伦敦的犹太裔年轻学者莉亚一见钟情。当莉亚突然患上癫痫、身体越发衰弱,玛雅决定跟随女友回到伦敦。莉亚的母亲查娜刚好住在她们楼下,她是一个霸道而神秘的女人,玛雅试图和她搞好关系,但不见成效。随着玛雅注意到楼里出现的奇怪现象,她怀疑查娜的秘密可能比预想的要黑暗得多——而她最爱的莉亚可能正背负着最大的秘密。