广告片导演小汤(任达华 饰)带领摄制组在一座废弃的老宅子内拍摄,高冷房屋有一贴着封条的古旧箱子。因嫌其碍事,高冷小汤不顾摄制组成员的警告,执意将箱子挪往他处。但意外随即而至,箱子封条自动脱落,导演助理小谢被箱子撞倒,从高处坠落不治身亡。而这起惨剧,小汤竟在冥冥中的幻觉里早已得知。广告拍摄完毕,但死亡的阴影并未就此散去。曾参与拍摄的工作人员接二连三死去,死状恐怖,小汤更是为这一连串的恐怖事件和挥之不去的梦魇所困扰。为了摆脱厄运纠缠,他决定重返老宅,寻找箱子中所隐藏的秘密……
广告片导演小汤(任达华 饰)带领摄制组在一座废弃的老宅子内拍摄,高冷房屋有一贴着封条的古旧箱子。因嫌其碍事,高冷小汤不顾摄制组成员的警告,执意将箱子挪往他处。但意外随即而至,箱子封条自动脱落,导演助理小谢被箱子撞倒,从高处坠落不治身亡。而这起惨剧,小汤竟在冥冥中的幻觉里早已得知。广告拍摄完毕,但死亡的阴影并未就此散去。曾参与拍摄的工作人员接二连三死去,死状恐怖,小汤更是为这一连串的恐怖事件和挥之不去的梦魇所困扰。为了摆脱厄运纠缠,他决定重返老宅,寻找箱子中所隐藏的秘密……
回复 :Nesting Dolls is a psychological thriller about the darker sides of us that can lie just beneath the surface. Tori, Britt, and Erica are sorority sisters who spend a week together at a river house. When near-catastrophe strikes, the three are forced against one another as sisters turn to enemies and their humanity and sanity spirals.
回复 :In June 2021, Marvel Studios released a casting call for fans of "Marvel's strong women" to be a part of an upcoming Disney+ documentary series showcasing the women who create the MCU in front of and behind the camera.[428] The series was titled MPower by February 2023 and was announced to premiere in its entirety on March 8, 2023
回复 :冷战高峰时期,丹麦政府声称永不拥有核武器,实际上已经暗地里与美国北约签订协议,将自己覆盖在美国的“核保护伞”之下,一位记者试图寻找并揭穿关于这一切的真相。