回复 :Summoned to his soon-to-be demolished childhood home, Mason discovers a video camera that can see into the past, driving him to record as many memories as possible before the doomed house is destroyed.
回复 :A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public of her time.
回复 :阿石从乡下到香港,在吕宅做杂工赚钱。吕家财丰厚,年纪老迈,闲来弄琴为乐;其妻文洁本是妓女,年轻貌美,因贪图钱财下嫁吕。偌大住宅,除二人外便只有佣人二婶负责起居饮食,石的到来令大宅产生变化。石发现洁没法从吕身上得到生理满足,加上石年轻力壮,二人终按捺不住发生关系。洁瞒着丈夫与石到处游玩,吕终发现二人奸情,但亦明白自己不能满足洁所需,故强作忍耐。石变本加厉,将吕最爱的古筝毁掉,吕跟石争执,被石所杀。石以为从此可与洁永世相爱,但在心理阴影浓罩下,二人终日疑神疑鬼,最后洁更因误以为石乃吕的亡灵回来报仇,惊惶下把其杀死。洁被捕,大屋只剩二婶一人,她把一众带来,将大宅作享乐之用。