回复 :Henry and the court go to the summit to sign the treaty with France. Tensions are understandably high, and tempers of both kings flare up more than once. Meanwhile, Henry takes on a new mistress named Mary Boleyn. He soon tires of her and her father summons her sister Anne to court and tells her to find a way to keep the king's interest.
回复 :公元2060年,科学家发明了一种穿梭多维空间的手机,取名“傻妞”(舒畅 饰)。“傻妞”穿越回唐朝,它协助孙悟空(丁健 饰)制服黄眉大王(陈创 饰),连战数日能量耗尽,穿过时光隧道,落在当代生性梗直的小千(李滨 饰)手中。“傻妞”的出现对小千来说如有神助,他请来孙悟空师兄弟,击败了贪念尚存的黄眉大王。游所为(焦恩俊 饰)趁小千喝醉得到“傻妞”,但同时也收获了贪婪。他让黒客东子(曲高位 饰)为其复制“傻妞”,同样贪婪的东子和王天霸媳妇孙飞燕(张倩 饰)得知“傻妞”魔力,悄悄多复制一台占为已有。知晓真相的游所为不容他人夺己之爱,他把东子和孙飞燕发配到千年以上的古战场,从此三人水火不容,由此拉开了当今与未来、未来与古代、正义与邪恶的时空大战……
回复 :皇后娘娘穿越到现代,一朝成为豪门太太,和总裁先婚后爱