回复 :左小欣(江一燕 饰)是一位小有名气的建筑师,快乐充实而又衣食无忧的生活让她无需拿婚姻当“饭碗”,目睹过感情脆弱的她对男人亦失去了最基本的信任。然而,随着时间的推移,左小欣想要一个孩子了,如何跳过“男人”和“婚姻”得到“孩子”?这成为了左小欣目前正在研究的最大难题。一次偶然中,左小欣结识了名叫查义(郑凯 饰)节目主持人,一来二去之中,左小欣的腹中怀上了查义的骨肉,然而对于这一切以及左小欣的“阴谋”,单纯懵懂的查义一无所知。一晃眼一年过去,左小欣将一切的真相告诉了查义,在震惊和愤怒的同时,血浓于水的亲情亦在查义的内心中荡漾开来。
回复 :迷雾村世代信奉井龙王,村民李叔惨遭凶兽袭击,尸体爪痕遍布死状凄惨。愚昧的村民竟迷信井龙王的诅咒,要将其遗体献祭。身世离奇的文杰(施柏宇 饰)与妹妹小秋(付梦妮 饰)拼死阻拦方才作罢。不曾想村民接连遭遇凶兽袭击,血腥猎杀再度升级。县保安团赵学铭(王韬 饰)前来调查真相,众人面对的不仅有变异凶兽,更有无形的力量阻碍着他们……
回复 :During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives of the residents and everyone else who enters the household. He encourages young adults Richard and June Stanley to pursue their dreams, much to the dismay of their conventional father Ernest.Meanwhile, Whiteside's spinster assistant Maggie Cutler finds herself attracted to local newspaperman Bert Jefferson. When she reads Bert's play, she is so impressed she asks Whiteside to show it to his contacts, and then announces she will quit his employment and marry Bert. However, her boss is loath to lose such an efficient aide and does his best to sabotage the blossoming romance...