回复 :六扇门主事曹雄(张铁林饰)召开武林大会欲统领江湖。各大门派赶赴大会,点苍派师徒一阳子(刘松仁饰)和徒弟马君武(梁朝伟饰)亦于其中。师徒两人遇上天龙帮突袭,幸得白云飞(梅艳芳饰)相救。其后白更答应往桃花潭捕捉千年灵龟,以解众掌门之毒。几经辛苦,3人终捕得灵龟,岂料又被蓝小蝶(关之琳饰)利用琴音夺走,扬言要白亲自去取回。此时,由于曹雄误传归元秘籍为白云飞所有,于是追杀白云飞的武林行动也展开了。而曹雄学得绝世武功,无人能敌......
回复 :刘志鹏(刘德华 饰)是一位在孤儿院长大的青年律师,曾为一位被控谋杀的妓女刘惠兰(叶德娴 饰)打赢官司,但他始终不知她原来是自己的母亲。她仍操皮肉生涯,平日被杂差收黑钱敲诈,生活相当悲苦,不幸律师儿子的出世纸又落入坏蛋杂差手中,勒索叶巨款,迫得她到麻雀馆赌博出千,被捉毒打,走投无路之下,结果杀死了杂差, 被捕候审。孤儿院修女玛利亚知悉此事,找刘再次为母亲辩护。
回复 :Documentary telling the story of the world's craziest race.In 1977, French motorcyclist Thierry Sabine was in serious trouble, lost in the Libyan desert and dying from thirst. Whilst most men would weep and think back over their lives, Thierry thought about coming back - to do a rally across the Sahara Desert. The 9,000km Paris-Dakar rally was born.The rally became a beacon for eccentric adventurers battling the terrain in customised vehicles, seduced by the romance of the desert and the extreme challenge. It soon became a victim of its own rapid success. Caught up in controversy and with over 60 deaths, in 2008 this incredible event was brought to an end in Africa by terrorism.Featuring winners Cyril Neveu, Hubert Auriol, Jean-Louis Schlesser, Ari Vatanen, Stephane Peterhansel, Martine de Cortanze, former participant Sir Mark Thatcher and many more, this is the story of the biggest motorsport event the world has ever seen and one of the greatest challenges of human endeavour ever conceived, told by those who took part.How the west took on a landscape of incredible beauty and scale. And lost.