回复 :讲述先天性晕眩综合症使得“万福”(沈恩京饰演)不得不每日步行往返4个小时上下学。偶然机会中万福发现了自己竞走的才能,与田径部结识的前辈“秀智”一起为全国运动大会而备战。
回复 :冲动易怒的玛丽因寻衅滋事入狱六个月,出狱后,她发现身边的人都变了,尤其是正在准备婚礼的挚友沙琳。曾经形影不离的两人似乎日渐疏离,但玛丽仍是沙琳的首席伴娘。为了证明沙琳认为玛丽无法在婚礼前找到约会对象并一起来参加婚礼的想法是错的,玛丽寻找起了约会对象......然而一个想法在玛丽脑海中挥之不去:或许她并不喜欢男生,或许她对沙琳的感情不只是朋友那么简单......而在为沙琳准备婚礼视频录制的时候,玛丽认识了摄影师杰茜......
回复 :This apocalyptic parable carries within it a clear echo of the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. This unforgiving exploration of the Czech mentality tells the tale of a troupe of wandering actors who perform a passion play in some unnamed village. Fear of some unknown danger breaks out in the village, which is cut off from the surrounding world. Stupidity, selfishness and aggressiveness then come to the surface in this society under threat. In the film's key scene, a woman is raped by the self-styled leader. Zdenuk Mahler, who would later work on Forman's examination Mozart Amadeus, worked on the script.The director Evald Schorm (1929-1988) was one of the most original members of the Czech "New Wave". During the "normalization" era, Schorm spent many years unable to direct. His last film, Killing with Kindness (1988) was only made in the twilight years of Communism. During that period when he was unable to direct films, he became an outstanding stage director. He directed groundbreaking productions at the "Na zábradlí" Theater and Laterna Magika.