回复 :本部纪录片是导演迈克尔·艾普特从1964年开始拍摄的纪录片系列的第八部。迈克尔·艾普特在1964年为英国BBC电视台拍摄了记录片《7 Up》,采访来自英国不同阶层的十四个七岁的小孩子,他们有的来自孤儿院,有的是上层社会的小孩。此后每隔七年,艾普特都会重新采访当年的这些孩子,倾听他们的梦想,畅谈他们的生活。人生行至大半,岁月蹉跎。是悔恨感慨,还是遥想当年风华正茂。年华终有老去的一天,可生活仍将继续。陪伴这些孩子度过半个世纪的导演迈克尔•艾普特也已两鬓斑白,《人生七年》还将继续。
回复 :以色列年轻女导演罗娜接下一个电影工作坊,要指导一班素人拿起摄影机拍下自己的日常。九位师生齐聚一堂,来自不同年龄、阶级、信仰及文化背景,唯一的共同点都是女性。虽然课堂气氛看似轻松,起初却相处得如履薄冰,光是要用阿拉伯语或希伯来语上课,就踩下第一颗地雷。然而,透过每次作业分享开始看见彼此的生命片段,大家才渐渐发现,你我不一样也都一样。共通的女性处境凝聚了情谊与觉醒,课堂重点不再只是学习拍摄技术,而是如何在握住摄影机的当下,找到自己的力量。
回复 :Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural.family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives to visit his old friends. He exudes an easy charm, knows secret past and present and is soon installed in the heart of the family. However, as his stay lengthens, so does he begin to cast an even more malevolent spell, provoking turmoil, setting son against son, reviving past hatreds, and inflicting a mysterious illness.Glover delivers a career-topping performance as the garrulous family friend, full of hidden menace, effortlessly evoking nostalgia and horror in the same breath.As ever, Burnett provides a wonderful music track featuring gospel, blues and jazz and a cameo from the legendary Jimmy Weatherspoon.'A slow-burning, soul-insinuating, 12-bar blues of a movie.' Tom Charity, Time Out'Danny Glover is marvellous, and terrifying, as a charismatic old-timer.' The Times(from the description on the back cover of the DVD)