回复 :十年前,芷君改嫁耀庭,大女儿若菁因抗拒母亲再婚,远走法国,此次乘妹若珊出嫁,若菁带同男友Alex 回来,希望与母亲和解,留港和谐相处,同时亦希望其婚事得到母亲的认可。但可惜母女性格相冲,这次回归,绝不和谐。几经波折,若菁与Alex得以结合,婚礼中,父亲的出现,虽然解开了母女之间十余年来的心结,但二人却因误会惹来一场大冲突,若菁一怒之下更决定重回巴黎生活。究竟母女的冲突是否能化解呢?她们又能否重聚呢?
回复 :
回复 :Marco Mejia, a gender non-conforming high school graduate who lands the gig of a lifetime interning at a cosmetics company whose products he panned on YouTube. Madolyn Addison, CEO, entrepreneur and founder of Glamorous Cosmetics and former supermodel, built one of the top companies in the world from the ground up. However, something's happening of late. The company isn't just slipping, it's plummeting, like it's being sabotaged from the inside. Not about to let that happen, Madolyn hires Marco right out of high school to be her summer intern. She has a plan, she wants him to be her eyes and ears, to make friends and find out what's going on behind her back, to discover "what they're hiding and what they're stealing." In exchange, she'll teach Marco everything she knows, but she warns him "This business isn't all glitter and glamour and neither is life".