女痴A Native American grandmother who lives very simply alone in the desert actually inhabits a world that her half-Hispanic grandson and an aging white magician are surprised to rediscover.
女痴A Native American grandmother who lives very simply alone in the desert actually inhabits a world that her half-Hispanic grandson and an aging white magician are surprised to rediscover.
回复 :克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)在Netflix的首个全球直播活动中实时表演单口相声,创造了喜剧历史。
回复 :Without warning, millions of mysterious alien "doors" suddenly appear around the globe. In a rush to determine the reason for their arrival, mankind must work together to understand the purpose of these cosmic anomalies. Bizarre incidences occurring around the sentient doors leads humanity to question their own existence and an altered reality as they attempt to enter them.
回复 :平凡不过的邻区街道上,一台再正常不过的四轮驱动房车,一个男人轻松地撬开门锁而入,大肆搜刮了车内任何值钱的东西,当他打算满载而出时,突然发现整台车的车门全都反锁死,且用尽力气也无法敲破车窗,身经百战的他,此刻却深陷牢不可攻的密室里,然而这时,车内通话突然响起,「你好,欢迎上车…」男子这才发现自己掉入了车主所设下的陷阱,他要如何全身而退呢?《4x4危机四伏》是一部全新形态的惊悚冒险悬疑电影,电影不只在票房上有亮眼的成绩,吸睛的题材甚至引起各国争相购买此片翻拍权利,甚至连《进击的鼓手》制作人在看完后,都表达对这部片拍成美版有高度的兴趣。而它也不仅仅是一部娱乐片,导演透过影片传达关于群众暴力、人性的执着与贪婪,都是期待开启观众对话的钥匙,希望能够影响并感染到整个年轻世代。