回复 :迈阿密警局的一对“黄金”搭档,顾家爱妻的好男人宾纳(马丁•劳伦斯)和衣着光鲜风流倜傥的富家子弟劳瑞(威尔•史密斯),奉命追查一桩价值上亿美元的毒品证物失窃案,如果不能及时完成任务,他俩就得卷铺盖走人。在两人疲于奔命之际,该案件唯一的性感女证人打电话到警局声称她愿意指认主谋,但条件是劳瑞必须出面保护她,否则一切免谈,此时劳瑞刚好不在警局,宾纳为套取线索,急中生智冒名顶替。其后,为了不失去女证人的信任,两人只得将对调身份一事进行到底,宾纳在枪林弹雨及汽车追逐中贴身保护女证人,劳瑞则来到他家中陪伴其妻。
回复 :After seventeen years in prison, the former respected Parisian banker Paul Lavond flees with his friend, the lunatic scientist Marcel that is researching with his wife Malita the miniaturization of animals and human beings to improve the resources of mankind. Paul Lavond was framed for robbery by his scoundrel associates Emil Coulvet, Charles Matin and Victor Radin that had stolen his business while his family was doomed to shame, poverty and tragedy. When Marcel reduces the retarded servant Lachna, he learns that the woman is motionless and only responds to the control of his brain and has a heart attack. After the death of Marcel, Paul Lavond sees the chance to use the miniaturization process as instrument of vengeance and he travels to Paris with the insane Malita disguised of Madame Mandilip, a nice old lady and owner of a dolls store. Paul Lavond, using the identity of Madame Mandilip, befriends his resented and estranged daughter Lorraine Lavond and plots a scheme to revenge and vindicate his family name.
回复 :民国初年,各方军阀混战,民不聊生。故事发生在一个名叫‘龙云镇’的地方,话说自打相传镇子旁发现了一处宝藏之后,镇里便逐渐开始怪事不断,接连出现少女在家中被杀。据说宝藏是前朝一个自称‘千宝王’的叛军首领当年为了谋反所埋藏的金银珠宝,镇长和军阀派人看守着宝藏。这宝藏的消息却招引了各路心怀不轨的江湖人士纷至沓来,龙云镇这个小地方被一出出夺宝的阴谋所笼罩。