故事讲述Becky Green在社交平台上关注Chloe Fairbourne有一段时间了,汁波看着对方分享各种完美的生活照片。Chloe有着迷人的生活,汁波一个爱她的丈夫,以及一群颇有成就、随叫随到的朋友。这样一种与自己境遇形成鲜明对比的生活,让Becky总是忍不住要去关注。Becky的母亲患有早发性痴呆症,她一直以来都在布里斯托尔郊区海边的小公寓里照顾母亲。当Chloe突然去世,Becky伪造了一个新身份,以此潜入Chloe密友那令人羡慕的生活之中,试图查明白Chloe身上到底发生了什么。
故事讲述Becky Green在社交平台上关注Chloe Fairbourne有一段时间了,汁波看着对方分享各种完美的生活照片。Chloe有着迷人的生活,汁波一个爱她的丈夫,以及一群颇有成就、随叫随到的朋友。这样一种与自己境遇形成鲜明对比的生活,让Becky总是忍不住要去关注。Becky的母亲患有早发性痴呆症,她一直以来都在布里斯托尔郊区海边的小公寓里照顾母亲。当Chloe突然去世,Becky伪造了一个新身份,以此潜入Chloe密友那令人羡慕的生活之中,试图查明白Chloe身上到底发生了什么。
回复 :Touching Evil is a 1997 British television drama serial, produced by Anglia Television and screened on the ITV network. It consisted of six fifty-minute (one-hour with adverts) episodes. It was created by Paul Abbott, and written by Abbott with Russell T. Davies. The serial was very popular, and led to two sequel serials in 1998 and 1999, although these were not written by Abbott or Davies.The star was popular actor Robson Green, playing a police officer, DCI Creegan, whose injuries after a shooting leave him with strange abilities to sense criminals. Touching Evil III was co-produced by Green's own independent production company, Coastal Productions. Green's co-star was Nicola Walker, playing Creegan's colleague DI Susan Taylor.
回复 :珍珠(李英雅 饰)在一家越南婚介公司里担任翻译的职务,生活虽然简单枯燥,但充满了快乐。在珍珠的心中,一直有一个心结无法解开,那就是她想要寻找自己失散多年远在韩国的父亲。为了解开这个心结,珍珠决定嫁给韩国男人姜俊宇(宋昌义 饰),如此一来,她便可以名正言顺地定居韩国,实行自己的寻父计划。然而,婚姻哪是珍珠所想象的这个简单?巨大的文化差异和生活中的磕磕绊绊让珍珠感到身心俱疲,和丈夫姜俊宇之间的关系以陷入了僵局。然而,随着时间的推移,凭借着自己的坚强和善良,珍珠闯过了一个又一个难关,解决了一个又一个麻烦。最终,她能否完成自己的梦想呢?
回复 :Barnaby and DS Scott investigate the murder of Patrick Pennyman, an undertaker in the village of Fletcher's Cross. The man's wife thinks he committed suicide but the pathologist determines he was killed. The man died soon after his return home after attending a service at the local spiritualist church, itself the source of some controversy in the village. As the investigation progresses, the police learn that Pennyman was generally disliked. Former employees, business partners and others all had a grudge against him of one sort or another. Barnaby believes the head of the Spiritualist church to be a charlatan and while there is a link to the ever increasing number of murder victims, the solution to the crimes is to be found in an illicit love affair.