回复 :文森特(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)是行业内有名的建筑师,他和太太莎莉(莎朗·斯通 Sharon Stone 饰)结婚多年,两人之间感情一直十分要好,莎莉替文森特生了一个非常可爱乖巧的小女儿,这个三口之家可谓是旁人眼中的完美家庭。然而,只有文森特自己知道,虽然生活平静而又幸福,但在他的内心深处,有一种空虚和悸动慢慢的浮现,和妻子之间的过于熟悉让他们再无秘密可言,看着枕边人,文森特时常会感到一种深深的疲惫感。在这个节骨眼上,一个名叫奥利维亚(洛丽塔·大卫多维奇 Lolita Davidovich 饰)的女人出现在了文森特的身边,神秘而又充满活力的她迅速吸引了文森特的注意。
回复 :本片根据瑞德哈葛德(H.Rider Haggard)的小说改编,为1985年动作冒险片《老天发威》(King Solomon's Mines)的续集,由莎朗史东与理查张伯伦携手合作。莎朗史东在片中所饰演的考古学家跟随男友理查张伯伦前往非洲西部,找寻他失踪的兄弟--就在一位濒死的神秘人交给他一块金子之后…
回复 :Mavie is 27 years old and has just moved to the French capital from the provinces. She dreams of a future as a writer but is plagued by doubt and uncertainty. 76-year-old misanthrope Georges runs a bookshop in Paris – or has he merely been forced to take refuge there to escape his past? These are two peculiar creatures indeed. Georges is cynical and no longer expects much from life, while Mavie is still brimming with expectation. Yet something magical happens between them, until Georges' dark secret suddenly catches up with him – and Mavie is caught up in something very different...Director Elise Girard succeeds in making a dreamlike film full of surprising absurdities. It’s not just love that appears out of the blue for the two protagonists, but also some quite literal strange birds. Girard depicts love beyond the barriers of age in a way that is both unexpected and moving, romantic instead of physical, timeless instead of fashionable. The film reminds us of the multifaceted nature of love as well as how fleeting it can be, existing not yesterday or tomorrow but above all in the present.