美竹Samuel forsakes his harsh religious upbringing to live his own life but his soul remains caught between the world and the faith he left behind.
美竹Samuel forsakes his harsh religious upbringing to live his own life but his soul remains caught between the world and the faith he left behind.
回复 :酒吧女公关NIKE,一向追求刺激经历,常逼男友马交对自己性虐待,以求得到快感,但马交为人正常,对这种游戏并不欣赏,多次规劝不果,两人感情转淡。另一方面心理医生白玫瑰,每天要应酬各种变态客人,亦感到厌倦,某日NIKE到白医务所接受治疗,一时兴起两人决定掉转身份……
回复 :斯坦利是个活泼开朗,招人喜欢的小男孩。多才多艺,古灵精怪的他在学校有着不错的人缘。但斯坦利有个最大的特点,那就是他从来不带便当来学校。午休的时候他总是以各种借口避开同学们的午餐时间,去街上闲逛打发时间,饥肠辘辘的喝凉水来饱腹。他编织着各种理由来应对伙伴们对此的疑问,而乐于助人的同学们决定和斯坦利分享自己的午餐便当来帮助他渡过难关。然而学校的大魔头卡多老师也是个从不带盒饭的家伙,因为斯坦利的缘故他无法分享学生们带来的美味午饭,勃然大怒的他,破口大骂羞辱斯坦利一番后,更是勒令斯坦利不带便当就不可以来学校。令人吃惊的是,斯坦利果然很多天都没有再出现在学校,随着时间一天天的过去,大家都越来越担心他,对卡多老师的不满之情也越发高涨。其实,斯坦利不带便当是有着他不愿意与人诉说的苦衷…
回复 :Sin and Illy have a plan on a Greek island they want to get 'clean' on their own. But the intention of the two girls fails already on the way to the airport. Finally Sin realizes she has to go the way out of heroin addiction all alone.