回复 :一名不知天高地厚的热血青年,一个战不胜的武学奇才,格斗场上没有任何规则,谁是最终的皇者…功夫迷阿杰在商店内邂逅一位娇俏美丽的女售货员祖儿,阿杰很是心仪,刚巧有几个小青年来滋事,阿杰以为可以在在心上人面前表演一番,没想到…活泼开朗的祖儿对有些笨拙的阿杰有了好感,并刻意把阿杰介绍给自已的父亲,一名武术界古怪的名将老黑。为了让父亲教阿杰武功,祖儿在父亲与阿杰之间象花蝴蝶一样地穿梭调解……
回复 :When a shower of massive meteors threatens an extinction level event on Earth, the world's greatest minds devise a dangerous plan that will take the planet off its axis in order to avoid the impact.
回复 :A rising political star faces scandal and blackmail when the young woman he tries to help turns out to be a juvenile delinquent