红盒Follows an group of characters as their paths intersect over the course of an evening in an L.A. restaurant.
红盒Follows an group of characters as their paths intersect over the course of an evening in an L.A. restaurant.
回复 :七个催眠飘渺的赋格式小品,开始时看似无伤大雅,后来越来越激烈,直到最后在心理万花筒中推至高潮。爷爷沉默了-他还活着吗?一个人对着衣柜说话-为什么?缺席的人像幽灵一样悄悄地进入夫妻和家庭的生活和对话中。他们是失落的、压抑的、失踪的。年轻人震惊了他们的母亲-一个用爱,另一个用蔑视(以及清醒地提出上帝是一种甘道夫的理论)。最后,还有一个把天真无邪的病人逼上绝路的骗子。在这里,很难说谁是受害者,谁是罪魁祸首。如果人都是球体,他们还能相遇吗?
回复 :当英国军队看起来要击败墨索里尼的意大利军队时,希特勒派出了增援部队;由隆美尔将军领导的非洲军团。在英国指挥官蒙哥马利制定出击溃对手的计划之前,"沙漠之狐 "一直处于胜利状态。美国人在北非登陆后,轴心国军队别无选择,只能投降,结束了沙漠战争。
回复 :Dennis Allan is an scientist who visits Haiti on the strength of a rumour of a drug which renders the recipient totally paralyzed but conscious. The drug's effects often fool doctors, who declare the victims dead. Could this be the origin of the "zombie" legend? Alan embarks on a surprising and often surreal investigation of the turbulent social chaos that is Haiti during the revolution which ousted hated dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier. Often a pawn in a greater game, Alan must decide what is science, what is superstition, and what is the unknown in a anarchistic society where police corruption and witch-doctory are commonplace.