梅尔·吉布森、欧美弗兰克·格里罗商谈加盟动作惊悚片《领袖水准》(Boss Level),欧美乔·卡纳汉(《人狼大战》《天龙特攻队》)执导并编写剧本。格里罗将饰演一名退役特种部队老兵,被困在永无止境的死亡循环之中。Emmett/Furla/Oasis投资,洛伦佐·迪·博纳文图拉(《变形金刚》《生死狙击》)、Mark Vahradian(《赤焰战场》)、兰道尔·艾米特(《第一滴血》《金蝉脱壳》)、 George Furla(《双龙出手》《孤独的幸存者》)联合制片。
梅尔·吉布森、欧美弗兰克·格里罗商谈加盟动作惊悚片《领袖水准》(Boss Level),欧美乔·卡纳汉(《人狼大战》《天龙特攻队》)执导并编写剧本。格里罗将饰演一名退役特种部队老兵,被困在永无止境的死亡循环之中。Emmett/Furla/Oasis投资,洛伦佐·迪·博纳文图拉(《变形金刚》《生死狙击》)、Mark Vahradian(《赤焰战场》)、兰道尔·艾米特(《第一滴血》《金蝉脱壳》)、 George Furla(《双龙出手》《孤独的幸存者》)联合制片。
回复 :香港某離島別墅,深宵,年邁的大富翁榕生離奇墮樓斃命。次子唐仲堅聞迅後,乃偕情人艾娜從法國返港,即遭長兄伯堅訓斥,兩兄弟言語衝突,幾欲動武,久無訊息的三子叔堅,突為分遺產而來,三兄弟互相攻訐,反目成仇。惟獨幼妹少蘭冷漠處之,靜觀家變……
回复 :Documents the chilling 70s-80s era of rampant serial killers in Los Angeles. Features first-hand accounts from the detectives, who tracked down these killers bringing justice for the victims and survivors.
回复 :They do not show war in this film, they show people and their dreams and hopes ruined by the war. It is not just another "war film", but it rises to the level of a true Tragedy. Not a propagandist or a sob story. Many critics compare this film to another famous Russian war drama, The Cranes Are Flying. I still think that The House I Live in is better, though, if you've seen The Cranes and liked it, most probably you'll love this one either. Both films were shot in 1957 and treat the war theme from the similar humane perspective. I wouldn't cut a single shot from the film, all of them are just in place. I do not know if it can be found outside Russia, if yes, don't miss it.Many critics pointed out resemblances between Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu (The House I Live In) and the better-known Soviet film The Cranes are Flying. Set in the years prior to and during WWII, the story centers on the various residents of a co-op house. Though the directors never show the war itself, its tragic impact is felt throughout the film. And despite the potential for Soviet propaganda, what sticks in the mind is the universality of the experiences endured by the leading characters. Dom, V Kotorom Ya Zhivu was one of Russian's entries in the 1958 Brussels Film Festival.