回复 :Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural.family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives to visit his old friends. He exudes an easy charm, knows secret past and present and is soon installed in the heart of the family. However, as his stay lengthens, so does he begin to cast an even more malevolent spell, provoking turmoil, setting son against son, reviving past hatreds, and inflicting a mysterious illness.Glover delivers a career-topping performance as the garrulous family friend, full of hidden menace, effortlessly evoking nostalgia and horror in the same breath.As ever, Burnett provides a wonderful music track featuring gospel, blues and jazz and a cameo from the legendary Jimmy Weatherspoon.'A slow-burning, soul-insinuating, 12-bar blues of a movie.' Tom Charity, Time Out'Danny Glover is marvellous, and terrifying, as a charismatic old-timer.' The Times(from the description on the back cover of the DVD)
回复 :刚刚迎来毕业典礼的帝都大学学生筱宫优(多部未华子 饰)意外收到一个奇怪包裹,包裹表面写着“诈欺游戏(Liar Game)”,里面竟然有一封邀请函和1亿日元现金。她被神秘的LGT事务所胁迫参加重新复活的诈欺游戏,胜利的话将获得20亿日元的奖金,拒绝参加将背负巨额的债务。惊慌失措的筱宫顺着冷峻的观察员(芦田爱菜 饰)留下的线索,找到了在帝都大学心理学任教的秋山深一(松田翔太 饰)。显而易见,LGT这番用意是在逼迫秋山参赛,向其复仇。明知前途凶险,秋山坦然应战。此次游戏包括他在内总共有20人参加,看似简单的抢椅子游戏,实则充满陷阱,危机四伏。天才诈欺师秋山面临史无前例的挑战……本片根据甲斐谷忍的同名漫画改编。
回复 :电影剧情:香港电影《生路》由凤凰影片公司于1956年出品。该片由梁琛执导,白明、何浩、红蝶、金辉、灵凤、黄夏飞等领衔主演。该片是凤凰影片公司继《妇道》之后的又一部社会教育片。说的是朱朴真与花花公子吕剑豪交往,珠胎暗结,竟偷去父亲的公款与剑豪私奔,却遭剑豪始乱终弃。朴真寻死,幸得表兄何健人相助,遂决意重新振作,抚养儿子成人。出品公司:凤凰影片公司摄制公司:国家电影制片厂导演:梁琛编剧:梁琛摄影:崔鑫玉配乐:联合录音公司剪辑:王永华美术设计:邝光灯光:胡炳雄录音:邝宁剧务:黄林场记:潘保虬布景师:陈其锐监制:香港私立中文学校联合会制片:翟俊杰摄影助理:梅新场务:李华;邓洪剧照:张文录音助理:邝良化妆:宋小江;冯先洗印:新艺洗印公司演员表:角色 演员 备注朱朴真 白明----吕剑豪何浩----徐碧瑶红蝶----何健人金辉----红菱灵凤----黄文黄夏飞----朱父黄楚山 ----吕母马笑英----吕父李鹏飞----司库柠檬----吕复生方江----律师叶青----教师秦楚----大班张弓----校长何少雄----学生何绍基----司理胡天----联合主演:李菁薇