回复 :Three years after the loss of his brother Vittorio, with whom he shared his entire career, Paolo Taviani returns to the works of Luigi Pirandello, which the pair adapted in 1984 (Chaos) and 1998 (You Laugh). In keeping with the Sicilian playwright’s vision, the film is not at all what it appears to be. The title may come from a 1910 novella, but there is no trace of that book’s jealousy-riddled plot. Instead, the focus is on Pirandello himself, or rather, his ashes, which are transported from a hasty burial site in fascist Rome to a permanent resting place in Sicily, on a trek that takes us through post-war Italy and its filmed memories, as seen in newsreels, amateur films and fragments of Neorealism. Having buried the master, Leonora addio then shifts gear from road movie to film adaptation, but here it picks a different Pirandello story, namely the last one, written shortly before his death in 1936. From the farewell of the title to its return to the writer’s last words, it is hard not to read this work, so free and yet so much a part of the Taviani world, as a moving brotherly farewell which, just as in 2012’s Golden Bear winner Caesar Must Die, once again uses cinema to give voice to literature and history.
回复 :1978年意大利大卫奖最佳外语片。1945年的一天夜里,当诺伊·尼尔瑞(理查德·德莱福斯 Richard Dreyfuss 饰)在装载卡车时,忽然被神秘的光线所笼罩,之后奇怪的幻象和五个音符一直在他脑海中回旋。他能否发现幻象的意义,又是谁将其置于他的脑海中呢?与此同时,美国政府同星际来客有了一定的接触并确定其降落的地点。为了掩饰真相,政府要求人们远离此地。然而,包括诺伊在内的一群人,却被其共同的幻象所吸引,来到此地。在沙漠中的魔鬼山上,空军临时修建的基地上空,外星人如约来到,他们的飞船流光异彩,将半个天空都照亮了。人类播放了以前从太空接受到的外星人信息中破译出的音乐作为联络的手段,飞船的大门打开了,从前失踪的地球人都回到了自己的家乡,而一批外形矮小的外星人则来到地球人中间和他们做心灵的沟通……
回复 :2016东京电影节影后&评委会大奖获奖影片。讲述一名生活在北欧北部的萨米族小女孩艾拉玛雅的成长故事。萨米人,亦称拉普人,是生活在北欧北部的一个游牧民族。萨米人拥有自己的的语言)及独特的民族音乐及传统服饰等等,以饲养驯鹿为生。有相当长一段时间,瑞典挪威等国以强制其接受教育等方式试图同化萨米人,官方甚至禁止在学校和公共场合使用萨米语