一个18 岁的男孩Jakob回到法兰克福,欧美一年前他因为母亲死亡而离开。当他设法正常地生活时,欧美他认识了当保姆的波兰女子Wanda, 并且爱上她。但是大家都有些不满意对方。
一个18 岁的男孩Jakob回到法兰克福,欧美一年前他因为母亲死亡而离开。当他设法正常地生活时,欧美他认识了当保姆的波兰女子Wanda, 并且爱上她。但是大家都有些不满意对方。
回复 :民国时期,各路军阀并起,当然这些军阀中也不乏笑果连连、丑态百出的大老粗。比如这位张大帅,颟顸乖张,尤其喜好女色。他外出途中看见一群女学生打篮球,慨叹学校的小气,发给每人一个篮球,还把学生们的裙子全部剪短。又或者汽车抛锚,善于逢迎的刁副官(王菲 饰)竟找来一辆灵车应付,反逗得大帅喜笑颜开。张大帅府上虽有五位太太,却仍不知足,依旧四下搜寻美女。不从者便被关押,闹出不少人间悲剧。上梁不正下梁歪,喜好偷腥的大帅难免估计后院,引得刁副官和五姨太眉来眼去,暗通款曲。闹出笑话无数,笑坏世间百姓……
回复 :出品单位 方金影视文化传播(北京)有限本片以舞蹈为主线,讲述几个家庭背景差异较大的小主人公因舞相识,舞蹈拉近了他们的距离并最终成为好朋友的故事......
回复 :John Forbes is a family man who's tired of the 9 to 5 humdrum of his job an insurance company executive. Life gets a little more exciting for him when he calls upon femme fatale Mona Stevens. Her boyfriend has embezzled from a store insured by Forbes' company and has showered her with gifts using the loot. Forbes comes to collect the ill-gotten gifts, but the boyfriend is in jail, and Forbes falls hard for Mona and begins an affair. The only problem is that MacDonald, a private dick who freelances for the insurance company, has had his eyes on Mona first. The obsessed MacDonald turns the soon-to-be-released boyfriend against Forbes.