回复 :这部改编自舞台剧的影片《玫瑰舞后》描述对舞台表演有高度热忱却生不逢时的玫瑰,把她一生的梦想寄托在小女儿琼身上,从小带着她到处登台,想栽培她成为大明星,但厌倦母亲管束的琼却和男友私奔了。玫瑰转而将希望寄托在大女儿露易丝身上,但为现实所逼,露易丝却沦为红牌脱衣舞女。另外有1993年翻拍的同名电影《玫瑰舞后》。
回复 :故事发生在一幢破旧的公寓楼里,在这里住着六户人家。丝厂职员袁瑞三(王献斋 饰)虽然已经被停职了,但好面子的他依然假装成工作繁忙的样子,就连他的太太(舒绣文 饰)也不知道其中的真相。孙如梅和俞连珠是在歌厅上班的舞女,虽然每天打扮的光鲜亮丽,但歌厅的生意非常的冷清,实际上她们早已经入不敷出了。车夫唐根泰对待工作不上心,业绩平平,却对怎么追女人有着一套独到的见解。小学教员陈老师遭到学校拖欠工资,自己的文章也卖不出去,十分的焦急。范思全靠着跑街挣不了借个钱,太太又体弱多病,家里还有一堆孩子要养活,生活陷入困顿。
回复 :What if you came home one day to find some weirdo living in your house What if that weirdo, in a barely understandable language, explained that he was your son But you knew for a fact you had no children. This is what happened to André and Laurence Prioux, a bourgeois couple, stylishly living in a quiet upscale suburb.Convinced they are victims of an error or a con man, André wants nothing to do with Patrick. But Laurence, faced with the inexplicable, suddenly becomes the mother she never was and welcomes with open arms this long-lost son, who sprung out of nowhere with his pregnant fiancée. And her dog. When a childless couple encounters family... Or makes it up.