回复 :Nick Fallin is a hotshot lawyer working at his father's ultrasuccessful Pittsburgh law firm. Unfortunately, the high life has gotten the best of Nick. Arrested for drug use, he's sentenced to do 1,500 hours of community service, somehow to be squeezed into his 24/7 cutthroat world of mergers, acquisitions and board meetings. Reluctantly, he's now The Guardian - a part-time child advocate at Legal Aid Services, where one case after another is an eye-opening instance of kids caught up in difficult circumstances.
回复 :这是中国首部全面网罗女性--系列畸形犯罪的大熔炉,她们从天真步入邪恶在惨遭践踏后奋起反抗,绞尽脑汁设计报复男人、报复社会.....
回复 :新一季中,警视厅的搜查资料全部要电子数据化,专从搜查班和刑事资料组被解散,成员们被发派到其他部署……