美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,熟睡视频温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,熟睡视频北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可挽救的灾难。美国政府组织北纬30度的民众转移到赤道周围,场面一片混乱。更糟糕的是,杰克的儿子,正困在曼哈顿的图书馆里,靠烧书生火来维持体温。大家怎样才能逃过这场灭顶的灾祸?冰天雪地的地球何时才能回暖?
美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,熟睡视频温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,熟睡视频北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可挽救的灾难。美国政府组织北纬30度的民众转移到赤道周围,场面一片混乱。更糟糕的是,杰克的儿子,正困在曼哈顿的图书馆里,靠烧书生火来维持体温。大家怎样才能逃过这场灭顶的灾祸?冰天雪地的地球何时才能回暖?
回复 :每隔十二年,喜马拉雅山脚下的森林裡,挑选出来的人们戴上面具,隐藏性别,放下世俗身分,彷彿死去般的过著为期两週、与世隔绝的奇异戒律生活。在等待的日子裡,歌声无尽,舞不停歇,有人静心修炼,也有放不下尘俗的人打探彼此底细、无法抵抗原始的欲念。这是真实与虚假的界线,生与死的空隙,面具拿下即是毁灭。以《高山上的世界盃》一鸣惊人的不丹导演钦哲诺布,将修行求道转化为现代乡野奇谭,融合传说、禅语故事、舞台演出、梵唱琴颂等多重艺术形式,展开另一场悉达多的探索之旅。人性与神性的拉扯中,吟唱出千古不变的生命之歌。周迅、梁朝伟添画龙点睛的客串演出,更添意趣。「有时,我们必须创造幻象,才能让世人看见真理」──钦哲诺布
回复 :Plot unknown. The third installment of the Dhamaal film series.
回复 :Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States by winning three key states, a victory engineered by an ultra-conservative faction that quietly mapped its way to power using fake news, lies and psychometrics. This explosive documentary follows the money to the reclusive multi-billionaire Robert Mercer who bought Breitbart News and funded the effort, while inserting Steve Bannon into the presidential campaign as its manager. Using data of millions of Americans acquired from Facebook, Google, banks, credit companies, social security and more, another Mercer company, Cambridge Analytica, used tactics honed during the UK's Brexit campaign to identify voters deemed "most neurotic or worried," whom they believed could swing for Trump. In the days before the election, using a little-known Facebook feature, "dark posts", they deployed highly manipulative and personalized messages, that could be seen only by the user before disappearing. In the darkness of the web, democracy was ...