Pamela Adlon主创兼主演的FX喜剧《#更美好的事# Better Things》还在播第二季,捍战不过FX已经迫不及待地续订第三季,预定18年首播。
Pamela Adlon主创兼主演的FX喜剧《#更美好的事# Better Things》还在播第二季,捍战不过FX已经迫不及待地续订第三季,预定18年首播。
回复 :《巴普蒂斯特》是BBC剧集《失踪》的衍生剧,以《失踪》中的朱利安·巴普蒂斯特为主角,通过寻找失踪人口为切入点,抽丝剥茧,揭开背后复杂的真相和阴谋...
回复 :Three months after the Frobisher settlement, Patty is concentrating on establishing a charitable foundation when an old boyfriend, named Daniel Purcell, contacts her and entangles her in a new case involving corporate fraud and greed. Meanwhile, Ellen continues working with the FBI to destroy Patty, but she becomes more rash and impatient as she continues to set up her appearances to hide her rage behind fabricated grief in the wake of David's murder. Elsewhere, Arthur Frobisher is revealed to have survived the assassination attempt and is recovering in seclusion as he plots his next move against all the people whom he felt wronged him.
回复 :在《复仇 第四季》中,Victoria和Emily都在公开准备自己的复仇计划,所有的事情都已经挑明,她们也用不着继续躲躲藏藏了。与此同时,Charlotte仍然没有从绑架案中恢复元气,更何况她意识到Jack Porter与此事有关,Conrad已经死了,而David Clarke还活着!