国产When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.
国产When a lost traveler on Halloween night comes across an isolated rural gas station, she thinks she's found her way home. Unbeknownst to her, the eerie gas station is the residence of a family of degenerate, devilish creatures.
回复 :一个涉世未深的年轻海军士兵,因偷窃被叛处重刑。二个面露凶恶但内心善良的士官,受命押解。在漫长的押送路程中,他们不忍再让那孩子受死板军规的折磨,于是,三个人到处胡天胡地,狂欢纵欲,姿情放荡,结果小水兵竟起意开溜。
回复 :A man wakes in an empty suburban house with no memory and blood smeared on his arm. As he frantically washes off the blood, he discovers that it is not his. He finds sticky notes around the house that read: "Don't stay in this room." "Don't go outside." "Don't go downstairs." Confused, he tries to follow the cryptic messages, ultimately discovering two things. Memories of a mother and daughter that he is somehow connected with, and also a demonic presence living in this suburban house. As he gets closer to solving the mystery of why he is there, the demon grows stronger, testing his will to survive.
回复 :明朝年间,朝廷屡贡不休,导致马贼猖獗为患,遭受马贼洗劫涂炭的民众无不提心吊胆惶惑不安。在没有朝廷出兵清剿的援助下,民间惟有以自己有限的能力与马贼对抗。但在灭绝人性的马贼面前,民间的抵抗显得无济于事,常常是马贼肆虐过的地方,尸横遍野血流成河。为救民众免遭马贼的涂炭,佛界、道界和江湖武林纷纷出手。这其间,天龙派高手赵龙夫妇在与马贼首领交手中,双双中毒,危在旦夕。赵龙的妻子白凤中毒后,邪毒侵入胎体的婴儿。为保住马龙的骨肉,白凤顶着师叔的压力,承受着马贼邪毒的折磨,于七个月后生下一个男婴,取名无邪。生下男婴后,白凤的生命走到了尽头,赵龙在仓山掌门委派弟子周游送来的百花还魂药的救治下,暂时压制住毒性的发作。可怜周游孤儿命苦,师叔收留周游,让周游做了赵龙的弟子。时光荏苒,寒暑易节,一晃十几年时间过去了。十几年间,无邪、周游和后来投奔龙虎门的小娟,在赵龙的教授下武功日进、身手不凡。但是,伴随武功一起长进的,各自的秉性和修行相去甚远。周游生性善良宽大仁厚,颇得赵龙和师叔公喜欢;无邪因身带马贼邪毒,暴扈阴毒张狂不羁。在身体日渐衰微的情况下,赵龙将龙虎门掌门之位传授给了周游,激起了无邪的憎恨。当晚,无邪窃取龙虎门掌门人信物时被父亲发现。无邪利欲熏心,置父子亲情于不顾,出手将父亲打伤后带着小娟离开龙虎门。赵龙气血攻心含恨而亡。处理完师傅的后事,周游铭记师傅的嘱托,前去寻找无邪。无邪没有坐上龙虎门掌门人的位子,发誓找到百年前被龙虎门一分为二散落江湖的天极剑。无邪找到天极剑,凭借天极剑挑战江湖武林。随后的十年间,无邪寻遍江湖武林,犯下累累血债。为挽救遭邪毒侵蚀至魔的无邪,周游闭关十年,苦行修炼,终于修成掌门大法。周游参透师叔公的指点和师傅临终前留下的龙虎秘笈,用水、木、金、火、土五行阵法,在付出牺牲自己的代价后,帮助无邪逼出邪毒,重返人形。五年后的一天,无邪重现龙虎门,将周游的灵位和天极剑交由龙虎门掌门人小娟后,从此消失于江湖。