回复 :Healing romance between a man whose life is tiring because of things he says without meaning them and a woman who's afraid of life because of her closed heart.Dong-soo who has tic orders that make him swear without knowing it, visits Ye-ri's rooftop house twice a week to deliver daily necessities that's his job. Ye-ri is always shut in her room after the death of her younger sibling. While communicating with the world only by publishing Internet novels, she is comforted by Dong-soo. Twice in a week. Dong-soo and Ye-ri start talking about the things they have never told anyone before. She talks about her younger sibling who wanted to see an ocean without water and Dong-soo decides to her grant her that wish...will they make it
回复 :电影以“时代楷模”卓嘎、央宗姐妹父女两代人爱国守边的先进事迹为题材,由中宣部电影局、电影频道、区党委宣传部联合打造,导演张馨执导。曾经在西藏玉麦乡只有桑杰曲巴一户人家。他们抵抗住环境恶劣、外敌骚扰、亲人病逝等艰难困境放牧戍边34年,如同格桑花一般扎根祖国雪域边陲,为祖国守住数千平方公里的国土。
回复 :《爱与黑暗的故事》发生在1940年代末期的耶路撒冷,书中通过作者童年的视角写出了他母亲身患精神疾病的困扰和父亲的无助,同时也展现了以色列建国的重大历史事件。