香蕉Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival.
香蕉Malina wakes up disoriented in the trunk of a speeding car and discovers to her horror that she is missing more than her memory. With her mobile phone as the only link to the outside world, she wages a desperate battle for survival.
回复 :18世纪初,日本正处于德川幕府统治时期。是时一种名为“赤面疱疮”的恶疾在岛内流行,患病者无一例外皆为男性,此恶疾顽固难治,致令死亡人数不断攀升,更令日本国内男女比例严重失调。居住在江户的旗本武士水野家家境贫困,为帮父母缓解压力,19岁的少年武士祐之进(二宫和也 饰)作别青梅竹马阿信(堀北真希 饰),决然前往大奥供职。由于男性稀少,大奥成为了各色美男的天下。这群男人为了权力和地位乃至将军的宠幸争风吃醋,明争暗斗,与女子不遑多让。不久,新任将军吉宗公(柴咲コウ 饰)入住江户,男性后宫由此再起波澜……本片根据よしながふみ的同名少女漫画改编。
回复 :一对夫妇在被暴徒控制的中西部地带,只有通过与之斗争才能回家的故事,影片将于6月29日北美上映。
回复 :影片讲述连环杀手彼得·哈瑞斯20年后返乡,期间遇到漂亮女子艾希莉,为占有她,一个骇人听闻的决定在悄悄酝酿。该片下个月展开拍摄,预计明年上映。