摇滚A skateboarder investigating the mysterious death of his roommate is led into the inner workings of a self-help company, and the pharmaceutical lab behind it.
摇滚A skateboarder investigating the mysterious death of his roommate is led into the inner workings of a self-help company, and the pharmaceutical lab behind it.
回复 :因精神问题住院治疗的丽娜(江一燕 饰)丢失了部分记忆,她虽然没有结婚,却声称有一个怀胎十月生下的女儿小艾(荣益 饰)。丽娜的恢复情况良好,只差身为医学泰斗的爷爷徐东哲能够签字就可以出院。表情凄楚的丽娜再也无法忍受对女儿的思念,她想方设法从医院逃了出去,回到家中。然而奶奶口口声声说她从未生过孩子,丽娜却目睹爷爷和奶奶带着女儿开车逃走的一幕。谁知途中他们遭遇严重车祸,两位老人当场死亡,小艾则侥幸逃生。丽娜如愿见到了女儿,并且继承了爷爷留下的房产和遗物。她带着小艾来到远离城市喧嚣的别墅生活,快乐的时光并未持续太久,难以预料的恐怖则席卷而来……
回复 :在一所公寓的厨房中,一对夫妻为避免吵醒隔壁房中熟睡的女儿,低声谈论着小红帽的故事。郊区空地上,这个男人躲在一排废弃的拖车后静默地观察一群人,后者似乎是一家人。同一个城市,同一个男人:他带着两枚猎枪击针穿越在堵塞的车流中。男人42岁,名叫Viorel。他被自己阴暗的想法所震惊,穿越整个城市,前往只有他自己知道的一个目的地。An apartment kitchen: a man and a woman discuss Little Red Riding Hood, their voices hushed, mindful of waking the little girl sleeping in the next room.A wasteland on the city’s outskirts: behind a line of abandoned trailers, the man silently watches what seems to be a family.The same city, the same man: driving through traffic with two hand-made firing pins for a hunting rifle.The man is 42 years old, his name - Viorel. Troubled by obscure thoughts, he drives across the city to a destination known only to him.
回复 :乡绅沃辛(Michael Redgrave 饰)来到伦敦城内拜访阿尔及(Michael Denison 饰),而实际目的是后者的表妹格温多兰,为了便于探望格温多兰,沃辛虚构了一位伦敦的不肖昆仲欧内斯特。阿尔及对沃辛在乡下监护的姑娘西西莉情有独钟,于是出面帮助沃辛向格温多兰求婚,尽管欧内斯特(真诚)这个假名对姑娘有莫名的吸引力,但沃辛的弃儿出身让未来岳母一口回绝。阿尔及在沃辛之前赶到他乡下的住处,装作欧内斯特如愿结识了西西莉,未几沃辛与格温多兰母女先后抵达,虚拟人物“欧内斯特先生”的骗局终被揭穿,两位男士一时手足无措,但突然浮出水面的一段陈年往事,让两对恋人的前途峰回路转。本片根据王尔德同名作品改编。