回复 :劳拉(Laura)和瑞安(Ryan)彼此是完美的:他们俩都爱梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep),之前的恋爱已将他们彻底摧毁,他们也不知道今晚应该做什么。 他们俩都知道,他们必须假装与以前完全不同,以期这次能做到正确。 第二次约会真的有多糟糕,还有什么要损失的? 瑞安(Ryan)和劳拉(Laura)即将发现。
回复 :Based on the 13th Century Borneo sacrificial rituals, “Curse of the Totem” tells the story of Dr. Sani who goes in search of his wife, who disappeared on a genealogy expedition to study the ancient mythical legend of Jerunei ‘Burial Poles of the indigenous Melanau tribe in Borneo.Burial poles mark burial still exist today as gravestones, marking the loss of other human lives that were sacrificed on behalf of prosperous nobility. Human sacrifice was outlawed in Sarawak Province in the 18th Century.Combing through the Borneo jungle for answers, each member of Dr. Sani’s team experiences inexplicable hallucinations, malicious disturbances and eventually are haunted by unexplained spirits of the dead. Things take a turn for the worse when one of them is completely possessed by evil forces.
回复 :没有事件可解,便无法称之侦探──号称「福尔摩斯」的大学生侦探明智恭介(中村伦也 饰),不顾助手叶村让(神木隆之介 饰)劝阻,缠上电影研究社社长,因为社内怪事连连:社员自杀、短片出现恐怖人脸、即将举办的合宿收到恐吓字条,令许多社员心生退意。然而,别人的麻烦正是侦探的乐趣,明智死缠烂 打想参加合宿却无法说服社长。苦恼时,神祕的美少女侦探剑崎比留子(滨边美波 饰)现身解围,以「不问她目的」和「她一同参加」为条件,让明智与叶村混进其中。