激情Times are tough, listener-ship is down and Clarence Lindeweiler needs to come up with a plan to save his struggling alternative rock radio station...
激情Times are tough, listener-ship is down and Clarence Lindeweiler needs to come up with a plan to save his struggling alternative rock radio station...
回复 :随着《哥斯拉》和《金刚:骷髅岛》在全球范围内取得成功,传奇影业和华纳兄弟影业联手开启了怪兽宇宙系列电影的新篇章—一部史诗级动作冒险巨制。在这部电影中,哥斯拉将和众多大家在流行文化中所熟知的怪兽展开较量。全新故事中,研究神秘动物学的机构“帝王组织”将勇敢直面巨型怪兽,其中强大的哥斯拉也将和魔斯拉、拉顿和它的死对头——三头王者基多拉展开激烈对抗。当这些只存在于传说里的超级生物再度崛起时,它们将展开王者争霸,人类的命运岌岌可危……
回复 :美国气候学家杰克(丹尼斯•奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)认为,温室效应正在引发地球的大灾难,北极冰川的融化,会让地球回到冰河世纪那样的劫难。他的提醒并没有引起美国当局的重视,一切都已经太晚:飓风、冰雹、洪水、冰山融化、极度严寒,一系列的地球巨变引发了一场不可挽救的灾难。美国政府组织北纬30度的民众转移到赤道周围,场面一片混乱。更糟糕的是,杰克的儿子,正困在曼哈顿的图书馆里,靠烧书生火来维持体温。大家怎样才能逃过这场灭顶的灾祸?冰天雪地的地球何时才能回暖?
回复 :Breezy is a teen-aged hippy with a big heart. After taking a a ride with a man who only wants her for sex, Breezy manages to escape. She runs to hide on a secluded property where stands the home of a middle-aged divorced man, Frank Harmon. Frank reluctantly takes Breezy in only to fall unexpectedly in love with her. Written by Kelly(imdb)